Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm Back!!!

My apologies for the very few of you who follow this post (mostly Cuz Cuz) and family LOL. For a lack of a better excuse, I have just been lazy. But along with all the other things I'm trying to get accomplished, I will add posting a couple of times a week (no guarantees, and in reality it'll probably only be once a week).

Here are some things that haven't changed:
  • Obama is still the official president and Hilary and Michelle are still running the country.
  • We are still fighting the War Against Terrorism in the usual hot spots and are campaigning (making up shit) to expand to Pakistan.
  • To the detriment of everyone health care and gas prices are still in turmoil.
  • We currently still only have 50 official states in the Union and 8 recognized planets in the Universe.
  • Lindsey Lohan is out (wait 2 seconds).. now back in rehab.
  • It's still hot as hell in Florida and Love Bugs are still the most annoying seasonal plague EVER (Thank you very much, University of Florida...assholes).
  • Walking two flights of stairs multiple times a day to our pad still blows.
  • My BP is still high; tolerance low.
  • My favorite color is still Black.
On to the new stuff:
Good-Bye Waity Katey...Hello Duchess of Cambridge. Kudos girl. I'm so happy for you that all that plotting and planning by your gold digging mother, and semi-stalking by you, finally paid off. What can I say about The Royal Wedding??? Well, after weeks of Lifetime, E, and Bravo specials, I think I know everything I could and would ever want to know about the royal family, royal palaces, royal guard, royal traditions, royal cermonies, royal expectations, and royal familiar failures. Here's hoping your marriage fares better than the last several Winsor marriages, for your sake. I, on the other hand, would quite enjoy watching another scandal unfold. For now, Catherine, you should focus on produces "An heir and a spare."
Comments on the wedding,
The hats were off-the-chain...both in a good and bad way.
Loved, loved, loved seeing Posh and Becks, and Elton.
Missed seeing Fergie in all of her absolutely ridiculous, shameful glory (Note: Her two tasteless daughters were good stand-ins).
The dress was simple and elegant and timeless. Alexander Mcqueen's staff delivered.
The ceremony was cute. I could have down without all the fair alter boys singing soprano...just gives me CNN Catholic Church Breaking News of more Ass Raped Alter Boys.
Prince Harry was as expected...untraditional and uninhibited (which of course, I liked).
I think the Queen smirked (not quite smile)....until the royal make-out session of the balcony. The two kisses wouldn't really qualify as PDF here, but were practically a scandal there. 

All-in-all, I'm glad I watched it and I'm glad it's over. If I may leave all of you (and future brides) with one piece of parting wisdom...NEVER dress your hot sister, in a gorgeous, figure hugging, steal the show, ivory Alexander Mcqueen, neck plunging gown. Never do it. Just don't.  

Finally he's dead. We hope.
Amazingly, it only took us about 20 years of exploiting his hatred to champion the causes of our elite upper class, and government to finally decide that he lost his usefulness to them and their wealth increasing causes. Every President in the last 3 decades should be ashamed of themselves. Pakistan may have given him a place to stay, but we've always allowed him his own safe-haven. That's a fact. Don't kid yourself in believing otherwise.
The fact some computer somewhere is violating my privacy and flagging this post as I type, because I typed Terror and Bin Laden, on proves my point that if we (meaning the 2% of our population that controls 90% of our economy and gov't) at any given point truly wanted him dead... this would be old news.

Pia and her 6-head was shocked by her elimination. Good vocals but really needed a stylist to cover the helicopter landing pad, AKA her forehead. She played it safe and got ditched. So long.
I miss Thia, but she just didn't have charisma. Amazing tone, but no movement, no spunk.
Jacob's flamboyance cost him the competition. Gays are great...but your viewing demographic are young, southern, probably mostly conservatives. Recognize! Which also explains why SCOTTY not a hottie and Lauren are still in this competition. WTF!
Scotty is a joke! He's a redneck rapper want-to-be. You know the kind; the kind that overexaggerates gestures from the 1980's (thinking they are killing it). America...we can do better than this.
Lauren, is cute....although absolutely high some shows. She can't seem to focus on anything Ryan says or asks her, which probably explains why he doesn't bother trying anymore. Also, she cuts off every single high note. She doesn't have enough breath or confidence to hold it. Sorry southern sister, you gots to go...and grow up.
My pick to win it is a toss up. I know the non-sensical teeny boppers are going to push for Scotty and Lauren and probably get the help of some tone-deaf, corny elderly votes too. I really like Haley...her voice is totally unique and she's really been put through the ringer by the viewers and judges. She does her, and does it well, however, I don't think she's very mainstream. I'm going with the obvious pick of James Durbin because he is a real performer and talent. I'm not hugely a fan of the songs he chooses but he does them well.
So.... James it is.

K peoples, That's all for now...but stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I don't even watch American Idol and your recap is hilarious. so judgemental. ;-)

    thanks for summing up what's gone on in the world for last 20 days. Can you post regularly so that I can just stop watching the news altogether. kthanxbai
